We offer a free 20-minute initial consultation!
About us - your fitness and lifestyle partner
Welcome to Intelli-Fitness, your partner for holistic and intelligent fitness solutions and healthy nutrition! Our goal is to help busy people achieve their fitness goals in a smart and efficient way - without unnecessary time or complicated programmes.
Intelli-Fitness was founded by Patrick Burkard to offer innovative fitness concepts that can be perfectly integrated into busy everyday lives. Using a science-based approach, we develop personalised fitness plans that are tailored not only to your physical needs, but also to your time constraints.
‘It's important to emphasise that neither a computer nor a piece of paper can dictate exactly what you personally need. In our work with you, we emphasise the importance of you learning to listen to your body's signals over time - supported by our experienced team.’
Our mission
At Intelli-Fitness, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to stay healthy and fit - regardless of their daily workload or other commitments.
Zufriedene Kunden
Gesund leben
Intelli Fitness bietet flexible Programme für Berufstätige, um Fitness und Gesundheit in einen vollen Terminkalender zu integrieren.
Leimhüll 24 A, 96114 Hirschaid, Deutschland
Mo-Sa 06:30 - 21:30 Uhr
Av. de Playa Serena, 170, Bloque 6, R 32, 04740 Roquetas de Mar, Spanien